Ancient Wonder

  • 377 BCE

    Hecatomnus died (Mausolus father)

    Hecatomnus died and Mausolus took over the throne.
  • 353 BCE

    Mausolus Died

    He passed away in 353 B.C
  • 351 BCE

    Artemisia Died

    In 351 B.C Artemisia dies two years after her husband died.
  • 350 BCE

    The Mausoleum Is Finished

    The Mausoleum is done being built and is standing high in the air. Overlooking the city.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander The Great Takes Over

    Alexander The Great takes over most of the known land back then. He left the Mausoleum untouched luckily.
  • Period: 62 BCE to 58 BCE

    Pirates Take Over

    Pirates take over the kingdom and like Alexander The Great, left the tomb untouched.
  • 1522

    The Tomb Blocks Are Used

    The tomb's blocks were used to build a castle that is still standing today in Bodrum.
  • Charles Thomas Newton Finds The Tomb

    Charles Thomas Newton was an archeologist that found the Mausoleum only using the evidence of fragments/remains of the tomb.