rise of the kingdom of sumer
Ancient Sumer is now modern-day Iraq. Some geographic features majors it was near include the Fertile Cresent. That was the river valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Fertile Cresent was located in the Middle East. Some major technological accomplishments were the wheel, the arch, and the dome. -
the epic gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was a fierce warrior and king of Sumer. His story has been passed down for generations because of its importance. There have been debates regarding his existance. Some of the things he did were fight a forest monster, make a new friend who fought along-side him, and discovered his youth. -
Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow
17 Dec 1807 Abraham was a man whom God commanded to leave his home in Ur, Mesopotamia to go to Isreal. He and his wife, Sarah, were unable to have children. When they finally could, they had a son named Isaac. God then commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son. Because of his obedience, God spared Isaac at the last moment. This is according to the Torah.