Warrior guy

Ancient Rome Significant Wars

  • 364 BCE

    The Battle of Cynscephalae

    The Battle of Cynscephalae
    In this battle, the Roman Legion under Titus Flamininus soundly defeated the Macedonian Army led by Philip V. This battle was important because the Greek Leader Alexander The Great had now been defeated. Rome had become the dominant world power.
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    The First Punic War was fought largely over the island of Sicily. This meant a lot of fighting was at sea where Carthage had the advantage of a much stronger​ Navy than Rome. However, Rome quickly built up a large navy of over 100 ships. Rome soon dominated Carthage and won the war.
  • 218 BCE

    Second Punic War

    Second Punic War
    In the Second​ Punic War, Carthage had more success fighting the Roman Legions. The Carthage leader and general; Hannibal, made a daring crossing of the Alps to attack Rome and Northern Italy. This crossing was made famous as he brought a large number of elephants with him. Hannibal was a very successful general and won several battles against the Romans. Hannibal wasn't able to defeat the Romans.
  • 149 BCE

    Third Punic War

    Third Punic War
    In the Third Punic War Rome attacked the city of Carthage. After three years of laying siege to the city, the Roman Army broke through the walls and burnt it to the ground
  • 73 BCE

    Third Servile War

    Third Servile War
    ​This war started when 78 gladiators, including their leader Spartacus, escaped and started a rebellion.Soon they had over 120,000 escaped slaves and others travelling with them invading the countryside. They successfully fought back many Roman Soldiers until finally an army with a full 8 legions was dispatched to destroy them. The fighting was long, but eventually, Spartacus' army was defeated.
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar's Civil War

    Caesar's Civil War
    This war is also called the Great Roman Civil War. Julius Caesar's legions fought against the senate supported legions of Pompey and became Dictator of Rome. This signaled the end of the Roman Republic. This famous moment in the war was when Caesar crossed the Rubicon River. This meant he was going to war against war.​
  • 31 BCE

    The Battle Of Actium

    The Battle Of Actium
    In this battle Octivans' forces, leb by Marcus Agrippa, defeated the combined forces of Roman general Marc Anthony and Egyptian Pharoh Cleopatra VII. As a result, Octavian​ became the sole power in Rome and would soon become Romes first Emperor. He would change his name to Augustus when he became Emperor.