Ancient Rome

  • Period: 753 BCE to 717 BCE


  • Period: 750 BCE to 509 BCE

    Roman Monarchy

  • Period: 510 BCE to 27

    Roman Republic

  • Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE

    Punic Wars

  • Period: 202 BCE to 202 BCE

    Battle of Zama

  • Period: 100 BCE to 44 BCE

    Life of Caesar

  • Period: 60 BCE to 53 BCE

    First Triumvirate

  • Period: 58 BCE to 50 BCE

    Gallic Wars

  • Period: 52 BCE to 52 BCE

    Battle of Alesia

  • Period: 43 BCE to 33 BCE

    Second Triumvirate

  • Period: 42 BCE to 42 BCE

    Battle of Phillipi

  • Period: 31 BCE to 31 BCE

    Battle of Actium

  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Pax Romana

  • Period: 27 BCE to 14

    Reign of Augustus

  • Period: 1 CE to 1 CE

    Birth of Christ

  • Period: 14 to 37

    Reign of Tiberius

  • Period: 27 to 476

    Roman Empire

  • Period: 37 to 41

    Reign of Caligula

  • Period: 41 to 54

    Reign of Claudius

  • Period: 54 to 68

    Reign of Nero

  • Period: 69 to 79

    Reign of Vespasian

  • Period: 72 to 80

    Colosseum Build Time

  • Period: 79 to 81

    Reign of Titus

  • Period: 79 to 79

    Eruption of Vesuvius

  • Period: 81 to 96

    Reign of Domitian

  • Period: 96 to 98

    Reign of Nerva

  • Period: 98 to 117

    Reign of Trajan

  • Period: 117 to 138

    Reign of Hadrian

  • Period: 138 to 161

    Reign of Antonius Pius

  • Period: 161 to 180

    Reign of Marcus Aurelius

  • Period: 193 to 211

    Reign of Septimus Severus

  • Period: 270 to 275

    Reign of Aurelian

  • Period: 284 to 285

    Reign of Diocletan

  • Period: 306 to 312

    Reign of Constantine

  • Period: 475 to 476

    Reign of Romulus Augustulus