Ancient Mesopotamia

  • 35,000 BCE


    In 3500, the first sumerian writing was invented. It was the pictographs.
  • 3000 BCE

    First Wheel

    In 3000BC, the first wheel was invented in Mesopotamia.
  • 2300 BCE

    First empire

    In 2300BC, the first empire was created because Sargon the Great started to conquer that place.
  • 2220 BCE

    Hight of empire

    In 2220BC, the empire reaches it's hight.
  • 2100 BCE


    The city of Ur becomes the center of power of Mesopotamia
  • 1792 BCE

    King Hammurabi

    King Hammurabi conquers a very great empire.
  • 1530 BCE


    Babylon is conquered by the Kassites and is also ruled for 400 years.
  • 1100

    The overrun of Mesopotamia.

    Nomadic peoples such as the Arameans and the Chaldeans overrun much of Mesopotamia.