Period: 4000 BCE to 1000 BCE
Aryan Invasion
The Aryans migrate from the actual Russian area. Bwfor entering to India they pass from the Khyber Pass. They move the seat of the power and influence from the Indus to the Ganges River. -
Period: 322 BCE to 185 BCE
Maurya Empire
The Mauryan Empire had two main leaders, which are Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka.
Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Mauryan Empire. He is widely considered to be the first great emperor of India.
Ashoka the Great was the ruler of the Maurya Empire. After a number of military conquests, he reigned over most of South Asia and beyond. An early supporter of Buddhism.
Maurya ended with the rise of the Sunga Dynasty in Magadha. -
Period: 320 BCE to 550 BCE
Gupta Dynasty
The Gupta Dynasty have achievements on the war field, thanks to Samudragupta, while his reign. Other achievements by the Gupta Empire center on the arts and the sciences. It was a time when the creation of sculpture, painting and literature flourished. Prosperity in the Gupta started a period known as the Golden Age,, thanks to inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy.
320 to 550 CE. -
Period: 273 BCE to 232 BCE
Reign of Asoka
Ashoka is most famous for change the politic of violence to a policy of welfare to all citizens also he encouraged religious tolerance and the right of respecting life. He combined inner with outer morality and wanted to establish a more just and spiritual society. He accomplish this by -
Period: 265 BCE to 263 BCE
Battle of Kalinga
The Kalinga War started because someone treachery Ashoka so Ashoka then asked Kalinga's royalty to submit before his supremacy. When they defied this diktat, Ashoka sent one of his generals to Kalinga to make them submit. The general and his forces went but the strategy made by the General of Kalinga distract them, baffled by the defeat they send thousands of people to battle and although the Kalinga made resistant they were defeated. This affect Ashoka because he became follower of Buddha. -
Siddharta Gautama founds Buddhism.
Buddhism is a way of life of peace, loving kindness and wisdom is just as relevant today as it was in ancient India. Buddha explained that all our problems and suffering arise from confused and negative states of mind, and that all our happiness and good fortune arise from peaceful and positive states of mind.
Hinduism believes in only one God in different forms. Buddhism believes on what a Buddha say, which are the ones who get to the light. Founded approximetly durng the 6th century.