Ancient India Timeline Mariana Quintero, Valentina Garcia and Laura Gil - 6A

  • 5500 BCE

    Decline of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa

    Decline of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa
    It was located in the Indus Valley, in what it is Pakistan and northwest India today. There are many reasons for their decline, The massive floods in the Indus must have been a potent cause for the extinction of the Harappan culture. The point is proved by the silt-clay that covers the collapsed houses at Mohenjo-Daro. Repeated floods must have forced the people to flee the inundated places and set up permanent habitat elsewhere. As a consequence came the decline of Harappa.
  • 2017 BCE

    Siddhartha Gautama founds Buddhism

    Siddhartha Gautama founds Buddhism
    Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading into the true nature of reality. Buddhist practices like meditation are means of changing yourself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and wisdom. Hinduism the ultimate reality as being all things united as one glorious divinity. Buddhism sees the ultimate reality as nothingness.
  • 1500 BCE

    Aryan Invasion

    Aryan Invasion
    The migration started from Central Asia, what is Russia in Modern Day, to Northwest India. The geographical feature that they use so they could enter to India was the Khyber Pass. And all the power was moved to Ganges.
  • Period: 322 BCE to 185 BCE

    Maurya Empire

    The 2 main leaders were Bindusara and Ashoka.The decline of the Maurya Dynasty was rather rapid after the death of Ashoka. One obvious reason for it was the succession of weak kings. Another immediate cause was the partition of the Empire into two. Had not the partition taken place, the Greek invasions could have been held back giving a chance to the Mauryas to re-establish some degree of their previous power.
  • Period: 320 BCE to 550 BCE

    Gupta Dynasty

    One accomplishment was:
    Art and Architecture: The most famous monuments in a Guptan style, were the caves in Ajanta, Elephanta, and Ellora respectively Buddhist, Hindu, and mixed including Jain were actually produced in later dynasties, but largely reflect the monumentality and balance of Guptan style .
  • Period: 268 BCE to 232 BCE

    Reign of Asoka

    During his reign, Emperor Asoka of Maurya accomplished moral reform due to his conversion to Buddhism.
  • 261 BCE

    Battle of Kalinga

    Battle of Kalinga
    The invasion of Kalinga was a big milestone in the history of Magadha, and of India. It had influential consequences. It had incredible influence on the personal life and policy of Asoka. The despair and casualty which he had inflicted upon the people of Kalinga filled his heart with deep sorrow and regret.