776 BCE
The greek olympics.
The first greek olympics was held! -
750 BCE
Homer, not simpson!
Homer begins to write the Iliad and the Odyssey, two epic poems describing natural phenomena. -
600 BCE
Greek coins.
Greek coins were added to society. -
499 BCE
The Persian War!
Miletus rebelled against Persian war, and the Athenians helped out Miletus for war. Xerxes and his men, fell in defeat, and he sailed away. -
Period: 479 BCE to 404 BCE
The Golden Age of Athens
During this rennisance, like time, Athenians made some of the greatest cultural and artistic achievements. Perciles, part if the 10 strategoi, became the most influential man in Athens. Under Perciles the Athenian empire grew stronger, in most aspects. -
Period: 469 BCE to 399 BCE
Socrates is an ancient Greek philosopher. Before Socrates, most natural phenomena would be explained through the gods and goddesses. Socrates inspired many other people to study philosophy, or "love of wisdom' -
Period: 430 BCE to 403 BCE
The Pelopnnesian war
Sparta thought Athens was becoming too powerful. Sparta declared war, and it raged on for 25 years! The Athenians decided to no longer be in rule by democracy, so Sparta won! -
399 BCE
Socrates is put to death :(
Socrates is put to death for corrupting the children of Athens and with his teachings. -
333 BCE
Alexander the great!:D
Alexander goes to conquer the Persians. -
Period: 323 BCE to 146 BCE
The Hellenestic Period :(
When Alexander the Great dies, the Hellenistic period begins. Rome slowly falls into control of Greece.