Ancient Greece Timeline-JZ

  • 1600 BCE

    The Mycenaean Period

    The Mycenaean Period
    The Mycenaean civilization marks the declining phase of the Bronze Age in ancient Greece. It showcases the beginnings of an advanced culture in Greece, exemplified by its architecture, writings, art, and public organization.
  • 1250 BCE

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    People have always wondered if the Trojan War was real or if it was a myth. In Greek mythology, the Trojan War is the battle between the people of Troy and the Greeks. The conflict began after Paris, the Trojan prince, took away Helen, the wife of Menelaus of Sparta.
  • 776 BCE

    The First Olympic Games

    The First Olympic Games
    The ancient Olympic Games were primarily considered part of a religious festival which took place in honor of the father of the Greek gods and goddesses, Zeus. The celebration and the games were held in Olympia.
  • 650 BCE

    The Rise of the Greek Tyrants

    The Rise of the Greek Tyrants
    Tyrants were rulers in Ancient Greece. They were influential opportunists who remained in power with the help of mercenary soldiers. The tyrants often emerged from the aristocracy, and the force of public dislike of them varied from place to place.
  • 600 BCE

    Coin Currency Introduced

    Coin Currency Introduced
    The first known coins were introduced in either Ionia in Asia Minor or Lydia some time before 600 BC, because the Greeks wanted a system of authenticated payment. These coins were made of an alloy of gold and silver known as electrum.