800 BCE
Greek city-states emerge from the Dark Ages (Start of AOS1)
Period: 800 BCE to 454 BCE
Ancient Greece AOS 1
Greek poleis emerge from dark ages to treasury of delian league moves to athens from delos -
750 BCE
Greek poleis start establishing colonies around the Mediterranean and Black Sea -
Period: 700 BCE to 700 BCE
First Messenian War
lates 700s -
650 BCE
Earliest tyrants take over some Greek poleis and Reforms of Lycurgus (Sparta)
Earliest tyrants take over some Greek poleis
Reforms of Spartan society begin (attributed to Lycurgus) -
Period: 600 BCE to 600 BCE
Second Messenian War
mid 600s following uprising of Messenians -
Period: 560 BCE to 550 BCE
Reforms of Solon (Athens)
early 500s -
550 BCE
Peloponnesian League Formed
546 BCE
Ionia becomes part of Persian Empire
Period: 546 BCE to 510 BCE
Tyranny of Peisistratus and his sons in Athens
508 BCE
Democratic Reforms of Cleisthenes in Athens
508/507 -
Period: 499 BCE to 494 BCE
ionian revolt against persia
490 BCE
First Persian Invasion of Greek mainland (Battle of Marathon)
483 BCE
Silver Found at Laurion in Attica- Themistocles convinces to build fleet
481 BCE
Hellenic League Formed
Period: 480 BCE to 479 BCE
Second Persian Invasion of Greek mainland ( Battles of Thermopylae, Artemisium, Salamis, Plataea and Mycale)
478 BCE
Delian League Formed
469 BCE
Revolt of Naxos
466 BCE
Battle of Eurymedon
Delian League victory against persia -
Period: 465 BCE to 463 BCE
Revolt of Thasos
464 BCE
Spartan Helot Revolt and Earthquake
461 BCE
Ostracism of Cimon
Period: 460 BCE to 450 BCE
Reforms of Ephialtes and Pericles
Period: 460 BCE to 445 BCE
First Peloponnesian War
Period: 460 BCE to 404 BCE
Ancient Greece AOS 2
454 BCE
Delian League treasury moved from Delos to Athens
Marks start of Athenian Hegemony -
447 BCE
Construction of Parthenon is begins, part of Pericles's building programs
Period: 445 BCE to 432 BCE
Thirty Years Peace
Thirty Years of Peace between Athens and Sparta, ending the First Peloponnesian War -
Period: 435 BCE to 433 BCE
Crisis at Corcyra
432 BCE
Megarian Decree
Triggers Outbreak of Second Peloponnesian War -
432 BCE
Potidaea revolts against Athens
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Second Peloponnesian War
Period: 431 BCE to 421 BCE
Archidamian War
Period: 430 BCE to 427 BCE
Plague in Athens
429 BCE
Pericles Dies
425 BCE
Battles of Pylos and Sphacteria
Part of Archidamian War -
421 BCE
Peace of Nicias
Period: 415 BCE to 413 BCE
Sicilian Expedition
Athens launches Sicilian Expedition and Alcibiades flees to sparta -
Period: 414 BCE to 404 BCE
Decelean/Ionian War
413 BCE
Athen Forces defeated in Sicily
During sicilian expedition -
411 BCE
Oligarchic Coup in Athens (the Four Hundred followed by the Five Thousand)
410 BCE
Democracy restored in Athens
404 BCE
Second Peloponnesian War ends with Athenian defeat Thirty tyrants take control of Athens
403 BCE
Battle of Piraeus; reestablishment of the democracy of Athens