Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    The first Olympics

    The first Olympics
    The Olympic games actually began part of religon festival in honor of Zeus. Later other events were added and the Olympic Games became a regular event.The games would take place every four years in honor of Zeus.
  • 757 BCE

    The first Messenian war begins

    The first Messenian war begins
    This is a war between Sparta and Messenia that will last many years.
  • 750 BCE

    The greek archaic period

    The greek archaic period
    Homer begins to write the Iliad and Odyssey. Thesepic poems become two of the most famous literary works in greek literature.
  • 499 BCE

    The persian wars

    The persian wars
    The city-state of Miletus rebelled against persian rule and they got help from the Athenians to conquer the Persian-controlled city state. Within three years the Persian King Darius had put down the revolt over the greek city-states in Asia Minor.
  • 479 BCE

    The golden age of Athens

    The golden age of Athens
    The Greeks unexpected victory in the Persian wars ensured that the greek city-states would remain free and independent. Income from the Delian league helped give them money for what is known as the golden age of Athen. It lasted to the end of the persian wars until the end of the Peloponnesian war.
  • 468 BCE

    Greek classical period

    Greek classical period
    Sophocles starts to write plays for the theatre. Soon the theater becomes a very popular form of entertainment in Greece.
  • 432 BCE

    The temple to Athena

    The temple to Athena
    The temple to Athena is the parthenon. It is completed in Athens on the Acropolis. Today it is the most famous surviving building of Ancient Greece.
  • 431 BCE

    The Peloponnesian war

    The Peloponnesian war
    sparta and several of its allies including the city-state of corinth and thebes.came together to form a peloponnesian legue. The pelopiensian legue fought against the Athenian empire.The war lasted for more than 25 years. The
  • 342 BCE

    Aristotle tutors Alexander

    Aristotle tutors Alexander
    The great philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, Aristotle begins to tutor Alexander. He later is known as Alexander the Great.
  • 323 BCE

    The Hellenistic period

    The Hellenistic period
    During Aristotles lifetime a king named Alexander rose to great power. Alexander conquered more land than anyone else had ever done. Alexander and his army attacked Asia minor and conquered it.
  • 300 BCE

    Euclid a mathematician

    Euclid a mathematician
    Euclid, a greek mathematician, writes Elements. This famous writing will effect mathematics for years to come.
  • 146 BCE

    Rome conquers Greece

    Rome conquers Greece
    Rome conquers Greece making it part of the Roman Empire.