Ancient Greece

  • 776 BCE

    First Greek Olympics

    First Greek Olympics
    The First Greek Olympic was held in honor to Zeus.
    These games were held in Olympia.
  • 757 BCE

    Messenian War.

    Messenian War.
    This is a war between Sparta and Messenia that took many years.
  • 621 BCE

    Draconian Laws

    Draconian Laws
    A lawyer named Draco introduces new laws that are punishable by death.
  • 600 BCE

    The First Greek Coins

    The First Greek Coins
    In 600 BC the first Greek coins were introduced.
  • 490 BCE

    Greek/Persian Wars

    Greek/Persian Wars
    In this war the Greeks won.
    And the Persians retreated.
  • Period: 479 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Golden Age

    A certain period where many cultural achievements and Inventions have been made and achieved.
  • 342 BCE

    Aristotle Begins to Tutor.

    Aristotle Begins to Tutor.
    Aristotle is a philosopher that studies math and science and he begins to tutor people. He makes a group up called Lyceum
  • 336 BCE

    Alexander Becomes King

    Alexander Becomes King
    After Alexander's Father was assassinated Alexander became King Alexander.
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander Gains Land

    Alexander Gains Land
    Alexander goes on his quest and conquers Persia.
  • 146 BCE

    Rome Conquers Greece

    Rome Conquers Greece
    Here Rome conquers Greece to make Rome expand. This was important for Rome because this was one of many Rivals.