Assembly of Nobles and Representatives
Charles-Alexandre de Calonne assembles the Nobles and representatives to discuss the country's budget. He suggested that they tax the high class. Everyone else then suggested that they bring the Estates General together fr the first time since 1614. -
The Estates-General
The Estates General consists of the Clergy or the First Estate, the Nobility or the Second Estate, and the Lower Classes or the Third Estate. They were all given one vote per Estate and then had a split decision. The Third Estate was upset and they declared themselves the National Assembly, along with some people from the Clergy. -
National Assembly: Tennis Court
The Royal officials locked the National Assembly out of their meeting spot. The people then decided to meet at an indoor Tennis Court. It is now known as the Tennis Court Oath. -
Storming of the Bastille
A mob stormed the Bastille because they felt like the Royals were oppressing them. They wanted weapons and freedom for the political prisoners. Which caused the start of the French Revolution. -
The Great Fear
People in rural France were terrified. Peasants were attacking nobles and destroying feudal records. This wave of terror deconstructed the old feudal order. -
Abolition of Feudal Privileges
The National Assembly terminated the feudal dues, privileges, and tithes. This ended the feudal system in France. It was a huge win for the common people. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man of the Citizen
The Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen stated universal rights such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. The Enlightenment ideas became the foundation of the revolutionary principles. It showed a shift towards individual freedom over the royal authority. -
Women's march on Versilles
Thousands of women marched to Versailles to demand their rights just like the men. This caused the royal family to return to Paris. This showed that the had power as a group. -
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The National Assembly reformed the Catholic Church and made Clergy's state employees. This divided the Revolutionaries and the devoted Catholics. This undermined traditional religious authority. -
The Royal Family Attempts to Flee
Louis XVI and his family tried to flee France but were caught in Varennes. After their failed attempt, the people felt they couldn't be trusted with the throne. It then became a turning point toward republicanism. -
Declaration of Pillnitz
Austria and Prussia stated that they were going to intervene to protect the French Monarchy. The tensions between revolutionary France and the Foreign rose high. Which then pushed France closer to war -
Adoption of the Constitution of 1791
France turned into a constitutional monarchy and started limiting the royal power. The constitution created a legislative assembly to govern. However many revolutionaries thought it to be an insufficient radical. -
War with Austria
France declared war on Austria and their main goals were to spread revolutionary ideals. With some of their early defeats in the war, tensions were high for counter-revolutionary conspiracies. This caused a long period of European conflict. -
Storming of the Tuileries
A group of people attacked the royal palace and captured Louis XVI, which ended the monarchy. The King was imprisoned and France moved to become a republic. This event showed a popular outrage against royal tyranny. -
September Massacres
Revolutionary mobs killed thousands of prisoners suspected of royalist sympathies. These death caused paranoia to arise. It was a dark period in the Revolution. -
Proclamation of the Republic
They previously abolished the monarchy and made it the French Republic. It showed the Revolution's radicalization. This shifted the royal and conservation factions to be destroyed. -
The Reign of Terror
The Reign of Terror is where thousands of people were executed because they were thought to be against the revolution. The executions were led by Robespierre. It created a long-lasting fear within the people and the government. -
The Execution of Louis XVI
Louis XVI was tried for treason and then later executed by guillotine. His death came as a shock to the Europeans. This is also a reason the divide between France and other European enemies happened. -
Execution of Robespierre
The fall of Robespierre ended the Reign of Terror. It marked the start of more reasonable revolutionary policies. His death was a result of a growing resentment of his methods. -
The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon gained power in the Coup of 18 Brumaire, which ended the Revolution. He created the Consulate, which made his campaign for emperor. This transformation brought to light a new wave of political order.