3100 BCE
Menes unites Egypt
Menes was a legendary king that united upper and lower Egypt and the one that establish the capital of Memphis and he was the first pharaon of the first dynasty -
Period: 2575 BCE to 2130 BCE
Old Kingdom
the old kingdom was the age of the pyramids builders and when Egypt attained his first peak of civlization in complexity and achevement. -
Period: 2055 BCE to 1650 BCE
Middle Kingdom
the middle kingdom began when Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II reunited upper an lower egypt and when thebes prominence for the first time and serve to the capital. -
1630 BCE
Hyksos conquer Egypt
Hyksos, dynasty of Palestinian origin that ruled northern Egypt as the 15th dynasty and they conquerEgypt using bronze weapons and chariots. -
Period: 1550 BCE to 1077 BCE
New Kingdom
The New Kingdom of Egypt, also referred to as the Egyptian Empire, is the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC and It was Egypt’s most prosperous time and marked the peak of its power. -
Period: 1479 BCE to 1425 BCE
Reign of Tuthmose
Tthmose was a grater ruler in Egypt and a warrior that made that Egypt get a lot of power by conquerin all of Syria. -
Period: 1478 BCE to 1458 BCE
Reing of Hatshepsut
Hatshepsut was the first pharaoh of eightennth dynasty and was the second comfirmed girl pharaoh. She was one of the most succesfollys pharaoh and she was the first great woman in history of whom. -
Period: 1292 BCE to 1290 BCE
Reign of Ramses
Ramses was the founding pharaoh of the mineteenth dynasty and he helped giving Egypt new heights imperial powers Ramesses II -
525 BCE
Persians conquer Egypt
Was the first major battle between acheamenid empire and ancient egypt to see who conquer the other one. -
323 BCE
Greek conquer Egypt
When Alexander the Great seized Egypt on his mission to conquer the Persian Empire in 332 B.C., he was one in a long line of Greeks who were dazzled by Egypt and its ancient culture and try to conquer Egypt.