Ancient Egypt

  • 9000 BCE

    9000 BCE

    9000 BCE
    Hunters/gatherers which are in the Middle East and North Africa collected wild grains, herders in the Zargos Mountains around the modern Iran/Iraq border start to gather wild sheep and goats
  • 7000 BCE

    7000 BCE

    7000 BCE
    Egyptians grew and spun flax to make clothing and linen cloth, pigs, sheep and goats are domesticated.
  • 6500 BCE

    6500 BCE

    6500 BCE
    World first city Jericho was built in the Jordan valley, population was about 2500 people.
  • 4500 BCE

    4500 BCE

    4500 BCE
    Potters wheels, sails and ploughs were invented along the small villages of Tigris and Euphrates.
  • 3100 BCE

    3100 BCE

    3100 BCE
    Narmer united north and south Egypt into one country. Sumerians developed cuneiform, a six hundred sign alphabet which they also used pictograms. Outside the Middle East cotton is made into cloth and linen in the Indus Valley and lots of other interesting things around the world
  • 2630 BCE

    2630 BCE

    2630 BCE
    Djoser became a pharaoh and the first pyramid is built by architect Imhotep.
  • 2134 BCE

    2134 BCE

    2134 BCE
    Central rule fails in Egypt. Local rulers start to really struggle for power.
  • 1333 BCE

    1333 BCE

    1333 BCE
    Nine year old Tutankhamen becomes a pharaoh and Egypt worships Amun.
  • 51 BCE

    51 BCE

    51 BCE
    Cleopatra (descendant of Ptolemy) becomes the queen of Egypt.
  • 1952

    Egypt achieved independence under Colonel Gamal Abdul Nasser