• Period: 27 to 64

    beginning of the roman empire under augustus

  • Period: 31 to 27

    Battle of actium

  • Period: 44 to 31

    assassination of julius caesar

    is assassinated by senators on the ides of march after declaring himself dictator for life
  • Period: 146 to 44

    destruction of carthage and corinth

    rome destroys cathage, ending the punic wars and conquers greece by defeatimg corinth
  • Period: 218 to 201

    Second punic war

    the carthaginian general hannibal crosses the alps and thetreatens rome
  • Period: 264 to 218

    Firts punic war

    a conflict between rome and carthage control of scily
  • Period: 509 to 261

    END of monarchy and beginning of the roman republic

    the last roman king, rome becomes a republic.
  • Period: 753 to 509

    Founding of rome

    Rome is foundes by romolus who becomes the citys