250,000 BCE
Stone Tools
The use of stone tools begins in Ethiopia. -
200,000 BCE
Homo Sapiens
The first Homo Sapiens arrive in Ethiopia. -
14,500 BCE
Migration to Americas
Migrants from Asia cross Bering Land Bridge into North America starting the first settlements of the Americas. -
12,000 BCE
Rise of Civilization
Civilization begins when the Natufian culture became sedentary in Levant (eastern Mediterranean). -
6500 BCE
Agriculture in Americas
The beginnings of agriculture in the Americas. -
5000 BCE
First settled around 5000 BCE -
3500 BCE
The wheel was thought to be invented around this time. -
3200 BCE
The advent of writing is believed to have happened around this time in Mesopotamia. -
3118 BCE
Egypt Unites
Egypt's upper and lower kingdoms were united by King Menes. -
2700 BCE
Process to make silk is created in China -
2600 BCE
Egyptian Pyramids
First pyramid constructed -
2500 BCE
Indus Valley Civilization
Indus Valley Civilization develops -
2200 BCE
Bronze in China
Chinese develop bronze -
2000 BCE
Camel domesticated
This occurred in Somalia. -
1814 BCE
Carthage Settled
Beginning of the massive trading empire in modern day Tunisia. -
1096 BCE
Rosetta Stone
Believed to be when the stone was inscribed. -
1050 BCE
Phoenician Alphabet
Phoenician Alphabet created -
700 BCE
Great Wall of China
Construction on the Great Wall of China begins. -
551 BCE
Born -
150 BCE
Roman Archetectural Revolution
Roman Concrete invented and use of arches, domes, and vaults become widespread. -
Mayan Writing
Mayan has first written records in Western Hemisphere -
Invented by Cialun in China. -
Mayan Empire
Classical Mayan Period begins -
Gupta Empire
Gupta Empire established in India, Hinduism became empire's religion -
Bantu tribes arrive in Zambia -
Apr 12, 622
Muhammad's pilgrimage to Mecca occurs. -
Apr 12, 700
Islam In Africa
Islam enters north Africa and spreads quickly. -
Apr 12, 800
Vikings in Russia
Scandinavian Vikings establish forts at Kiev and Novogorod. -
Apr 12, 988
Russia- Christianity
Vladimir I converted Russia to Easter Orthodox Church -
Apr 12, 1000
Gunpowder invented by Song Dynasty (China) -
Apr 12, 1168
Aztec Civilization
Aztecs enter and control central valley of Mexico -
Apr 12, 1200
Monguls Conquer Russia
Ghengis Khan-led Monguls conquer Russia -
Apr 12, 1200
Invented in China -
Apr 12, 1438
Incan Empire
Incan Empire established -
Apr 12, 1440
Printing Press
Modern printing press created by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany. -
Apr 12, 1492
Columbus makes landfall in the Bahamas -
Apr 22, 1500
Portuguese in Brazil
The Portuguese enter Brazil. -
Apr 12, 1519
Spanish conquered the Aztecs -
Apr 12, 1526
Mogul Empire
Mogul Empire established, unified North and South India for first time -
Apr 12, 1543
Scientific Revolution
Emergence of modern science, philosophy, and experimentation. -
Apr 12, 1547
First Russian Czar
Ivan IV (the Terrible) became first Russian Czar -
Taj Mahal
Shah Jahan begins construction on Taj Mahal in India -
African Slave Trade
Slaves begin to be transported across the Atlantic -
Beginning of Russian Empire
Czar Peter the Great lays foundation for Russian Empire -
Self-Igniting Match
Jean Chancel invented this match in Paris. -
WWI Begins
Archduke of Austria-Este Franz Ferdinand was assassinated sparking the first world war. -
WWI Ends
The Central Powers agreed to an armistice effectively ending the first war world. -
WWII Begins
Germany invades Poland igniting WWII. -
The Axis Powers surrender to the Allied powers ending WWII.