Ancient China timeline

By jess22
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 2205 BCE

    First settlers

    Settlers build small villages and farm along 5 major rivers including the yellow river.
  • 2696 BCE

    Making silk cloths

    The Yellow Emperor's wife invented the process of making silk cloths.
  • 551 BCE

    Confucius is born

    The famous philosopher named Confucius was born
  • 221 BCE

    First emperor of China

    Qin Shi Huangdi becomes the first emperor of China and starts to build the Great Wall of China.
  • 250

    Buddhism introduced

    Buddhism is introduced to the people of China.
  • 1405

    The forbidden city

    the Chinese began building the Forbidden City.
  • 1420

    New capital

    Beijing replaces Nanjing and becomes the new capital of the Chinese empire.