Ancient China

  • 1750 BCE

    The Start of the Shang Dynasty

    First major rulers of China come to power
    Farming society ruled by aristocracy
    Influence of ancestor worship and the popularity of bronze tools and weapons
  • 1045 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty Rises to Power

    The Mandate of Heaven is Declared
    Emperor rules with the concept of divine power, however if the king rules poorly, a new dynasty can rule after he is overthrown
  • 551 BCE

    The Birth of Confucianism

    Confucius founded Confucianism, a philosophy containing 3 main virtues:
    1.) Ren: Benevolence & humaneness
    2.) Li: Proper behavior & etiquette
    3.) Filial Piety: Having respect for parents & ancestors
    This philosophy had an emphasization on moral cultivation and social harmony and a heavy influence on education, family ethics, and social structure
  • 403 BCE

    Period of the Warring States

    In 403 BC, the Zhou dynasty faces trouble
    A civil war broke out, lasting 180 years
    This led to the development of Confucianism
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Dynasty has a Rapid Rise and Fall

    Qin Shihuangdi rises to power, unifying China,
    This led to number of improvements:
    Single monetary system
    Adoption of Legalism
    System of roads
    Building of the Grand Canal
  • 6 BCE

    Daoism: The Way of Nature

    Laozi was the founder of Daoism
    3 key concepts:
    1.) Dao: The Way, underlying principle of the universe
    2.) Wu Wei: Non-action, effortless action
    3.) Harmony with nature, connecting with one's naturl rhythms
    Influence on Chinese art, literature, and spirituality