Ancient Astronomers

  • Period: 276 BCE to 194 BCE


  • 240 BCE

    Sieve of Eratosthenes

    Eratosthenes created the Sieve of Eratosthenes, an ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a given limit
  • Period: 100 to 170


  • 150

    Star Catalog

    Ptolemy created a star catalog and earliest surviving table of trigonomic fuctions
  • Period: 1473 to 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

  • 1514

    The Center of Our Universe

    Copernicus is most famous for proposing that the sun is not revolving around the Earth as perviously thought, but a stationary object that we revolve around.
  • Period: Dec 14, 1546 to

    Tycho Brahe

  • Period: Dec 27, 1571 to

    Johannes Kepler

  • The Solar System

    Brahe proposed the original theory of a solar system, this containing elements of both the Earth centered Ptolemaic system and the Sun centered Copernican system
  • Elliptical Orbits

    Johannes Kepler discovered that instead of circular movements the planets move in elliptical motions
  • Period: to

    Isaac Newton

  • Gravitational Law

    Issac Newton discovered and published the law of gravity in either 1665 or 1666
  • Period: to

    Albert Einstein

  • Quantum Theory of Light

    Einsteins quantum theory of light states that light is a composition of small packets of energy which are called photons and have wave like properties