New programme gives kiwis the opportunity to sail aboard a mori


  • Period: 1483 BCE to 1000

    Set Sail

    3500 years ago in 1483bc The Polynesians set sailed into the pacific ocean. They used the stars the sun and the sea createures to navigate through the stars. 3000 years ago in 985bc they found coutrys like Samoa, Fiji, Tonga. 1200 to 1100 years ago they found Tahiti and Rarotonga then Hawaii. 1080 years ago they found Easter island. 1000 years ago They sailed to there deststination with a navigator called kupe then they found aotearoa (The land of the long white cloud).
  • Period: to

    The first Europeon

    Captain cook was not the first Europeon to see New zealand. In 1642 a Europeon named Abel Tasman came on his ship named the Heemskeerk in searched of a land that was said to be a mith. His crew was about to set foot on the land but there were some Maori people. Back then he didnt know what they would do or how they would react. They retreated back to there country. So Captin Cook was only the first europeon to step foot in NZ not the first Europeon to see our country.
  • Period: to

    The first foot

    500 years ago Captin Cook came in the Great Endevour with the navigator called Tupaia he helped them find the country from Tahiti. Captain Cook came to New Zealand with his crew of 94 men. He went back to his home and told every one about this land. The first people that came were the Wailers and then it was the early settlers. 170 years ago in 1851 the Americas cup was created and it has been the oldest cup ever since.