anastasio somoza garcia

By nmoul21
  • somoza was born

    Anastasio Somoza García was born on february 1 1896
  • somozas father

    somoza,s father was the general of the national guard and later became president
  • marins invade

    the marines invade Nicaragua in order to take down the government and later establish the national guard in order to take down a president that has opposed the us for a while :Augusto César Sandino
  • somoza married

    somza married Salvadora Debayle Sacasa in fraud and violence
  • somoza prezident

    somoza became president after his father died
  • somoza goes corrupt

    somoza goes corrupt with power and starts putting his family in seats of power
  • Augusto César Sandino

    somoza orders the Augusto César Sandino
    killed so he does not start an up rising
  • slaves

    somza starts getting slaves to do work so he get more money he forced the slaves to build his empire and towns
  • flees

    somoza gets kicked from prezident and takes and takes refuge in miami in order to stay safe then later fled to the bahamas and then later to paragua
  • death

    Anastasio Somoza García died on sept 29 1980 because of a bullet wound to the chest by a poet singer songwriter Rigoberto López Pérez