Ana was born.
Ana was born in 1989 with AIDS, which she got from her mother. -
Ana's mom and sister die
Ana's mom and sister both died of AIDS. Ana's sister died at 2 months old along with her mother who died when Ana was three. -
Ana learned about her illness.
When Ana was ten years old she learned about her illness, how her mom and sister dies, and why she has to take the pills she does. -
Ana decided to keep her illness a secret from everyone.
Ana decided that she was going to keep her secret from everyone when she seen her friends saying mean things to Angelica for having aids and they also threw a milk carton. So instead of Ana sticking up for the girl that had the same illness as her, she remained silent. -
Ana's abuela's boyfriend sexually assualted Ana
When Ana's abuela wasn't home Ernesto would touch Ana inappropriatly and then when Ana finally had enough courage over the months to tell her abuela, she got smacked on he back of her thighs with a broom and was told to stop lying. -
Ana graduated sixth grade.
Ana graduated sixth grade and wanted to be the first one in her family to go to secondary school. -
Ana's papa died
Ana's papa died of AIDS in which he got from Ana's mother. -
Ana started to get hit.
Once Ana's papa died Ana became a bad child. She would go anywhere but never tell her abuela where and became disrespectful to everyone. Which is what resulted in her abuela beating her and swatting at her. -
Ana had a ceremony.
After Ana's ceremony her family had a celebration with her. -
The police came to Ana's house becasue of the letter she wrote
Ana wrote a letter at her ceremony telling about the abuse at her house with her abuela and the police officer went to their abuela's house because of the note that she wrote. Her abuela was trying to keep them at first. But then Ana's abuela just told the police officer that they can take them if they want to leave. After Ana and Isabel packed they went to live with their aunt Sonia. -
Ana's aunt Sonia began to hit Ana.
Ana was picked on by her great aunt, aunt Sonia, and her cousin Susana. When Ana would defend herself or talk back she would get a flyswatter or an extension cord and whip her with it. -
Ana got sent to a reform center.
Ana got sent to the reform center because she couldn't be adopted by Yolanda's mother. -
Ana told Senor Garcia about the abuse at her aunt Sonia's house.
Ana told her teacher Senor Garcia about the abuse and then she moved in with her best friend Yolanda and the then she told the family about her illness. -
Ana is going to start eighth grade
Ana is going to transfer to a school closer to the reform center and start eighth grade. -
Ana's quinceanera
Instead of Ana doing work at the reform center she dresses in her street clothes and went with two women from the church to the salon. After the salon she got dressed into a dress and then everyone celebrated with her. -
Ana is being transferred.
Ana was transferred to a home with people who all have AIDS. She was transferred there because her friend named Berto mentioned her to the people at the home. -
Ana had her baby.
When Ana had the baby she had to have a ceasection because it would reduce the risk of the child having AIDS. -
Ana's baby doesn't have AIDS
When Ana had Beatriz take the first test to see if she was positive for AIDS and it came back negative, then she gave her a second one just to be sure and she does not have AIDS. -
Ana is pregnant.
Ana had gotten pregnent with Berto's child. -
Berto was hospitalized.
A month away from Ana's due date Berto was hospitalized because he needed surgery in his hip.