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Ana Guadalupe Acosta Rodríguez

  • I was born

    I was born
    When I was born early in the morning in Guadalajara Jalisco, with 2 kg 900 grams.
  • My names is Ana Guadalupe

    My names is Ana Guadalupe
    My mother is María Elena
  • I learned to walk 1996

    I learned to walk 1996
    I learned to walk the nine month
  • I graduated from high school

    I graduated from high school
    It was a very sad day, because I would not see my friends so often but it was very beautiful because I got one more goal.
  • I Learned to ride a bike

    I Learned to ride a bike
    My cousin taught me how to ride a bike. The Day after Chrismas.
  • I started the university

    I started the university
    That day I was very excited and scared because it was one more step to achieve my goals.
  • I went to the beach with my boyfriend

    I  went to the beach with my boyfriend
    The happiest day in my life was when I went to the sea with my boyfriend because I learned to swim
  • The biggest transition in my life

    The biggest transition in my life
    When started building my own family
  • My dream job

    A place where you can learn what you can and can develop my capabilities to the fullest possible.
    I like more this idea of a scholarship in Benavides pharmacies and carry out my professional internships in a Civil Association.
  • The best day of my life

    That day was when I found out I was pregnant, It was wonderful, scary and emotional, all at the same time.