Portada matilda

Ana Cristina's Biography

  • Birth

    Ana Cadavid was born in Caldas in 1999, her family is Catholic and she likes to go to church. Then , she moved with parents to Girardota.
  • Period: to


    When she was a child, she liked to go at kindergarten. she always wanted to arrive early and puntual because she liked to learn new things.
    she remembered when she was at High School because she won many medals honor, she liked to share with friends on the break and she liked they called her to nickname.
    She liked to learn mathematic and she respeted her professors.
    The life's school was amazed.
  • Childhood

    When she was a child, she used to play with her cousins and she used to ride bycicle.
    But somtimes, she didn't leave to play with friends, because she preferred to watch her favorite cartoons, such as The Simpsons and Backyardigans.
  • Memory

    Ana's family has always said to her that " she is friendly, responsible and intelligent" for this reason her family is the biggest motivation.
  • Rite of passage

    Rite of passage
    When she was 10 years, she decided to do the first communion , but she never forget the amazing party that night, because her family and friends gave her many gifts.
  • Triumph

    She think that he biggest achivement was to finish High school.
  • Present

    Nowadays, she studies Bussines Management at university Minuto de Dios and she works at the minimarket once a week.
  • Future

    She would like to study a Specialization of International Bussines in other country.