An Unspecified Timeline of My Life Events

By 123762
  • My Conception

    I was born on April 20th, 2001, in Grand Blanc, Michiga, USA, Coincidentally, the same month and day of Adolf Hitler's birthday.
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  • First Day of Preschool

    I started my first day of Pre-School, which was one of the best moments of my life. I met one of my lifelong friends there.
  • The Stray Arrives

    My cat, Tiger, wandered to my house as a stray when I was but five years old.
  • My First Day of Elementary

    I started my very first day of Elementary School. This would sue the seeds for years of friendship that would continue on into High School.
  • The Circle of Friends

    By the summer of 2012, I have met all of the friends in my personal circle.
  • My First Day of Middle School

    I have started my first day of Middle School, the institution deemed infamous by Elementary Schoolers. Contrary to popular belief, this is actually the tallest spike in my life so far. Everything from here is smooth sailing.
  • When I Was, A Young Boy...

    I (accidently) join the Holly Marching Band. This turned out to be the best mistake I ever made.
  • Our New Dog

    Due to popular demand, my mom had bought the family a new dog, to live alongside the old one. His name is Joey, and he is now the #1 cause of destruction around the house.
  • High School Life

    I started my first day of High School. This is the most recent event so far, and not to mention the biggest.