I was born on 03 December 1977 in Nicoya Guanacaste.
In 1984 I went to school in Santa Cruz, Josefina Lopez Bonilla.
In 1991 I was 13 I went to the high school, I don’t finish.
In 1994 I got marry in Santa Cruz.
In 1995 I had my first son I was 17, his name is Bryan.
In 1998 I finished the high school, when I was 20.
In 2000 I had my second son, his name is Yadir.
In 2004 I began my own business in my house.
In 2006 I made my first money from my business.
In 2010 I was in the curse of administration assistant in Sardinal high school.
In 2012 I began in the university Ulicory in Santa Cruz; I would like to become professional of Human Recourse.