Car Crash
On the way to pick up Navin, Em’s dad is killed in the car accident as the car swerves to avoid another car and falls off a cliff. Emily and her mom get out and survive. -5 -
Move to Norlen
Both Emily and Navin want to stay in their old house, but can't afford it. They hate moving and wish life was different as they arrive at their new house with mom. -4 -
Great Grandpa's Library
Emily discovers her great grandpa's library and walks around.She calls the rest of her family and discover the amulet that would guide her. 0 -
Mom is Kidnapped
Their mom is kidnapped, and Em and Navin rush to save their mom before they become orphans. When they eventually lose her, the pair started breaking up inside. They set out to recue their mother but little do they know what is in store. -5 -
Em learns to use Amulet
The magic Amulet talks to Em, and she learns about the mission she must complete and the journey that lies ahead. She is advised of the power the amulet holds, and the beings that will come after. She accepts the power and sets off. 0 -
Talks to Great Grandpa
Em and Navin meet their famed great grandpa, but he is on his death bed. He advises the pair and his 'workers' about how to find their mom and trusts Em with the duty. They feel amazed that they actually got to meet him before he died. As soon as they finish, the great grandpa starts to die. 0 -
Em Accepts the Power
Em is shown where her mother is, and she must make a decision to trust the amulet or let her mother die. -
Chat to Unknown Monster
An unnamed monster that has been following the pair appears and tries to take the amulet with words. Em denies a push for peace. The amulet possesses her and she uses the power of the amulet to kill (or severely injured) the monster. +2 -
Mom starts to Recover
Em finds her mom and takes her back to recover. It is revealed that their mom is poisoned and can't recover. They immediately make plans to find the cure for the poison. -
House Becomes Alive
Once they discover where the plant that can be used to create the cure, the "use the only mode of transport" they have. The house becomes alive and starts walking. Em and Navin strap in for the ride.