Auguste comte 9254680 1 402

Auguste Comte 01/19/1798 - 09/05/1857

  • Auguste Comte Birth

    Born in Montpellier, France to a very religious family. Comte rejected the Roman Catholic ideas very early in his age and was considered quite the skeptic.
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    Publication: Course of Positive Philosophy

    Taking nearly 12 years to complete, Comte finished the course of positive philosophy. the concept gained traction in many areas of western civilization and nearly became a church in certain places in the world.
    Comte, Auguste. Cours De Philosophie Positive. Auguste Comte, 1830.
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    Comte held a teaching position at École Polytechnique, The same place he went to school as a child. He later lost his job due to disagreements he had with the staff.
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    Auguste fell in love with Clotilde de Vaux, who died the following year of tuberculosis. This event fueled some of Comte's Philosophy. She even became a figure head in his church, equivalent to the virgin Mary
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    Publication: System of Positive Polity

    This publication completed his works in sociology. The book mainly focused on the morality of humanity and the progress of morality as human knowledge continued to expand. Comte, Auguste. System of Positive Polity. Auguste Comte, 1851. Barnes, Harry. Fletcher, Ronald. Encyclopedia Britannica. Auguste Comte. 15 Jan, 2019. Accessed 26 Jan 2019.
  • Auguste Comte Death

    Died in Paris, France of cancer. Following his death, many of his followers maintained his religion of humanity and spread it to many places, including South America.
    Auguste Comte