AMSTUD Unit 2 Timeline

  • French and Indian war begins

  • French and Indian war ends

  • Sugar act

    Increased taxes on sugar imported
  • Stamp act congress

    27 delegates meet to oppose the new tax
  • Stamp act

    Required all paper to have a payed for stamp
  • Quartering act

    British soldiers were to be housed by civilians
  • Townshend Acts

    Added taxes on many everyday items
  • The Boston Massacre

  • The Tea Act

    The British East India Company was given a monopoly on tea trade in America
  • The Boston Tea Party

  • Intolerable acts

    Laws in response to the tea party that restricted colonists and closed Boston harbor
  • Revolution begins at Lexington and Concord

  • Declaration of Independence is signed

  • Washington crosses the Delaware

  • Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

  • Treaty of Paris is signed

  • Shays Rebellion

  • Constitution Created

  • Washington becomes president

  • Whiskey Rebellsionn

  • Adams becomes President