Amos time line

  • 1710 BCE

    Amos born

    Amos born
    amos born
  • Amos dad die

    Amos dad die
  • Amos dad die

  • catcher in to slavery

    catcher in to slavery
    now a slave
  • on slave boat

    on slave boat
    no food/little food
  • getting sold

    getting sold
    getting sold at a slave concoction
  • SOLD! to Ms and Mr. Richardson

    SOLD! to Ms and Mr. Richardson
    Amos sold to family
  • moving in

    moving in
    getting to his owners house
  • getting tot to read by a little grail

    getting tot to read by a little grail
    learning ti read
  • Mr. Richardson died so Amos free

    Mr. Richardson died so Amos free
    Mr. Richardson died so Amos free
  • Amos move out and starting a business

    Amos move out and starting a business
    moving out
  • meting a cobbler

    meting a cobbler
    meting a cobbler
  • getting wedding clothes

    getting wedding clothes
    preparing for the big day
  • getting marred

    getting marred
  • moving to jaffry

    moving to jaffry
    moving Aegean
  • mean guy

    mean guy
    a police officer
  • nice person

    nice person
    meeting a nice person
  • building a new house in Jeffry

    building a new house in Jeffry
    new house
  • hide the money

    hide  the money
    violet hides Amos money
  • starting up the tenner

    starting up the tenner
  • Amos no the mount

    Amos no the mount
    amos siting on the mounton
  • felling complete

    felling complete
    Amos felt he has completed his life

  • get the money

    get the money
    gets money off ground