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Amos Fortune Timeline

  • Born

    At-mun/ Amos Fortune is born
  • Captured

    At-mun/ Amos Fortune is captured at the age of 15.
  • Sold

    At-mun/ Amos Fortune is sold to Caleb Copeland.
  • Boston

    At-mun/ Amos Fortune is brought to Boston to live the Copelands

    Which were a Christian family. They also change his name to Amos
  • Woburn

    After Ichabod Richardson and Amos arrived at Woburn, Ichabod taught Amos how to Tan a hide.
  • Sold again

    Sold again
    Amos fortune at the age of 30 was sold again to Ichabod Richardson For £62.
  • Wife 1

    Wife 1
    Amos marries his first wife Lilly
  • Lilly dies

    Lilly dies
    Lilly dies a year after She is set free and married
  • Ichabod Richardson dies

    Ichabod Richardson dies
    Ichabod Richardson dies unexpectedly before Amos has his freedom.
  • Free

    Amos is then set free by Mrs. Richardson
  • Journey to Keene

    Journey to Keene
    Amos starts his journey to Keene
  • Bought

    Amos buys Violet
  • Wife 3

    Wife 3
    Amos marries Violet
  • Dead

    Amos Fortune who was born free in Africa he was purchased liberty professed Christianity lived reputably and died hopefully