Amos Fortune time line

  • Amos was born

    Amos was born
    Amos was born in 1710
  • Amos was captured by slavers

    Amos was captured by slavers
    slavers came and captured Amos
  • Mr. Copeland bought Amos

    Mr. Copeland bought Amos
    A man bought Amos
  • Mr. Copeland dies

    Mr. Copeland dies
    Mr. Copeland dies
  • Amos goes to Mr. Richardson

    Amos goes to Mr. Richardson
    Mr. Richardson bought Amos
  • Mr. Copeland's stuff was sold

    Mr. Copeland's stuff was sold
  • Amos bargained for his freedom

    Amos bargained for his freedom
  • Amos is free

    Amos is free
    Amos is finally free
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    This is when the Boston tea party happened
  • Amos buys Lydia

    Amos buys Lydia
    Amos buys a slave woman
  • Lydia dies

    Lydia dies
    Lydia dies in 1778
  • Amos buys Violet and Celyndia

    Amos buys Violet and Celyndia
    Amos buys Violet and Celyndia
  • They go to Keene

    They go to Keene
    Amos and Lydia go to Keene
  • Laban Ainsworth is ordained in Jaffrey

    Laban Ainsworth is ordained in Jaffrey
    Laban Ainsworth is ordained in Jaffrey
  • Amos turns 80

    Amos turns 80
    Amos turns 80 in the year 1789
  • Some Burdoo children are for auction

    Some Burdoo children are for auction
    Some Burdoo children are for auction
  • Amos dies

    Amos dies
    Amos dies in the year 1801
  • Violet dies

    Violet dies
    Violet dies in the year 1802