Amos Fortune

  • Birth

    Amos Fortune was born in the year of 1710 in Africa.
  • Captured

    Amos and his tribe got captured by white people on the year of 1725.
  • Period: to


    Amos was sold to a man named Caleb Copeland. Amos worked until Caleb died.
  • Period: to

    Sold (Again)

    Amos got sold to another white man named Ichabod Richardson, and worked for him for a few years.
  • Journey to Keene

    Journey to Keene
    Amos bought Violate and Celyndia. Is now going to Keene.
  • Arrival at Jaffery

    Arrival at Jaffery
    Amos and his family finally got to Jaffery.
  • Period: to

    Life in Jaffery

    Amos got a job as a skinner.
  • Stolen Money

    Stolen Money
    Violate stole Amos's money so that he would not give it to the poor family.
  • Amos on the Mountain

    Amos on the Mountain
    Amos climbs a mountain to talk to God.
  • Adoption

    Amos buys Polly from an auction. Polly dies soon after from a sickness.
  • Death

    Amos fortune died November 17, 1801, Violet died soon after.