Amos Fortune was born.
Amos Fortune is captured.
Amos is sold to Calob Copeland
Amos Fortune learns to talk.
Amos's master, Caleb Copeland dies.
Amos is sold to a new master, Ichabod Richardson.
Amos's new master writes manumission papers.
Amos gets his freedom.
Amos buys Lily and gives her her freedom.
Lily dies.
Amos buys Lindia and gives her her freedom.
Lindia dies.
Amos buys his wedding suit.
Amos buys Violet and gives her her freedom.
Amos marries Violet.
Amos Violet and there daughter Calendia move to Jraffrey
1780 Amos builds a house and a barn for himself and his family.
Amos adopts Roger Toothaker
Amos Fortune dies.
Amos's wife, Violate dies.