Amos Fortune

  • Amos Fortune was born.

  • Amos Fortune is captured.

  • Amos is sold to Calob Copeland

  • Amos Fortune learns to talk.

  • Amos's master, Caleb Copeland dies.

  • Amos is sold to a new master, Ichabod Richardson.

  • Amos's new master writes manumission papers.

  • Amos gets his freedom.

  • Amos buys Lily and gives her her freedom.

  • Lily dies.

  • Amos buys Lindia and gives her her freedom.

  • Lindia dies.

  • Amos buys his wedding suit.

  • Amos buys Violet and gives her her freedom.

  • Amos marries Violet.

  • Amos Violet and there daughter Calendia move to Jraffrey

  • 1780 Amos builds a house and a barn for himself and his family.

  • Amos adopts Roger Toothaker

  • Amos Fortune dies.

  • Amos's wife, Violate dies.