
Amerivan Revolution timeline

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  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord was made up of two battles that began on April 19th, 1775. British troops were sent to Concord to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams, but both men had been warned about the British attack.
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    American Rev

  • Bunker hill

    Bunker hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill or Breed's Hill was one of the first major battles of the American Revolution. The commander for the American Casualties was Colonel William Prescott. The commander for the British soldiers was Major General William Howe.
  • The Second Continetal Congress

    The Second Continetal Congress
    The Congress included sixty-five delegates. Thomas Jefferson was a plantation owner and a lawyer who was well-known as a good writer. Benjamin Franklin wanted independence, but many delegates disagreed.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
    By the REPRESENTATIVES of the
  • Danbury

    The British came to attack Danbury, Connecticut, to take the Continental Army's supplies that were kept there. Cybil Ludington rode out on a cold, dark night during a thunderstorm to warn her father's militiamen of the burning of Danbury
  • Benjamin Rush

    Benjamin Rush
    Appointed Surgeon General to the armies of the Middle Department in the Continental Army.
  • BAttle of monmouth

    BAttle of monmouth
    The Battle of Monmouth took place on June 27, 1778. It was fought after the Declaration of Independence.The commander for the British soldiers was Sir Henry Clinton. George Washington was the commander for the American Troops. Molly Pitcher was the woman that was so well-known for her heroic efforts in this battle. That is what this Battle of Monmouth is known for.
  • John Andre

    John Andre
    John André was born in London in 1750. John André was a major in the British army. He helped Benedict Arnold try to capture George Washington, but it did not work. The Continental Army captured John André and they found plans in his sock. The plans showed that Benedict Arnold was a trator and that they were trying to capture George Washington. John André was hung by the Americans at the age of 31.
  • Battle of Yorktown win

    Battle of Yorktown win
    The Battle of Yorktown was the battle that ended the Revolutionary War. It took place in 1777 in Yorktown, Virginia, where the British troops were camped out. The Americans and French were fighting against the British Redcoats, who were led by Lord Cornwallis. General Washington and his troops trapped the British with the help of French leaders Count Rochambeau, the Marquis de Lafayette and General Anthony Wayne.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was signed on Sept. 3, 1783.It declared peace between Great Britain and the new country of the United States. Great Britain recognized the independence of the American colonies.