Revolutionary war flag

America's Revolutionary War

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    George Washington

    George Washington was the first president of the United States. He also was the head general in the Revolutionary War. Did you know he was the only president who did not live in Washington D.C.?
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    Casimir Pulaski

    Pulaski was a Polish military officer who fought on the side of the colonists against the British. He has been called "The Father of the American Cavalry", Also, he saved the life of George Washington!
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    John Paul Jones

    John Paul Jones was the first well-known naval fighter in the Revolution. He was born in scotland and was a great addition to the Continental Army even though he didn't get along with most American generals.
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    Betsey Ross

    Betsey Ross was the person who created the first American Flag. It is known as the Revolutionary Flag. Did you know that betsey married two times, and her second onw died? She remains an icon in American history.
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    Nathan Hale

    Nathan Hale was known as an important icon in American History for several reasons. He was a spy for the Continental Army that led America to victory. Today, he remains Connecticut's state hero. He died by a hanging.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Bunker Hill was on of the best battles America has ever fought in my opinion. Even thoiugh its called Bubker Hill, it took place in Breeds Hill, Charlestown, Massachusettes. In the end, the Brittish won and General Warren died there.
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  • New Flag

    New Flag
    Tradition tells that Betsey Ross, a widow made a flag the george Washington and his crew asked a local upholsterer to create a flag for the Revolution. She made it with 13 stripes (Son's of Liberty flag) and 13 stars ( 13 colonies...)
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  • Quote

    "Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason."
    -Samuel Adams
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  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    The Declaration of Independance was written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. It stated that the colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by Britain. It was passed around through all of the colonies and representatives signed it, and shipped it of to Britain.
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  • Quote

    "I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
    -Nathan Hale
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  • Tories

    What were tories? Tories were another name for Loyalists to Britain. They lived in the colonies, yet supported the Brittish side.
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  • Hessians

    Hessians were hired by Britain to join their army. Even though they helped a bit, It wasn't enough to beat the colonists. And depite their name, they weren't all from Hesse.
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  • Blacks in The War

    Blacks in The War
    I had no idea that over 5,000 African (not yeat African Americans...) men faught in the war. James Armidtead was a slave/spy for the colonists! They helped us so much!
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga took place in Saratoga, New York. In the first battle, the Brittish won, and in the second, the Yankees won. At the end, General Burgoyne surrendered.
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  • Fun Fact

    Fun Fact
    Did you know that 1 in five people were loyal to Britain? They also served as redcoats in the Revolutionary War.
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  • French Involvement

    French Involvement
    The French got involved in the war at a great time. Colonists needed more power and the French were willing to help. The French also convinced the Spanish to join in!
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  • Spanish Involvement

    Spanish Involvement
    I bet that you didn't know that Spain helped the colonists in the Revolutionary war! They helped us win the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Cowan's Ford

    Battle of Cowan's Ford
    This battle took place in Southern Cornwallis, North Carolina. Did you know that most of it took place in the water? The British won...
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  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown took place in Yorktown, Virginia. This Battle was led by General George Washington and the French. Colonists won this battle alongside with many hundred French soldiers.
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  • Quote

    "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace."
    -George Washington
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