
American Revolutionary War Timeline by Julia Vastano

  • The Battle of Lexington

    The Battle of Lexington
    In the early morning of April 19, General Gage and 700 British troops approached 77 rebel militiamen in Lexington, Massachusetts. A British major commanded the rebels to disperse, and the militia commander obliged. However, as the militia was breaking up a shot was fired; from which side, is unclear. After a short battle, eight rebels were killed and only one British troop injured.
  • The Battle of Concord

    The Battle of Concord
    The British continued to the town of Concord, in search for arms. Yet, when they reached Concord, the weapons had already been relocated or taken up. In response, the British burned what little they found in Concord. Due to the torching the colonial militia of Concord attacked the redcoats. The British were the first to fire, but fell back when the militia started to fire in response.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolutionary War

    The American Revoutionary War began on April 19,1775 at the Battle of Lexingtion and Concord and ended on May 29, 1790 with the ratification of the Consitiution by the last oringinal colony, Rhode Island.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    A small group of Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold overtook and looted a small British fort. Weapons took from Ticonderoga were sent to Boston.
  • The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    The Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    The Battle at Ft. Ticonderoga was the first Rebel victory in the war. Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen led militamen to attack a sleeping garrison of Brittish troops at the fort.
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    The Second Conteintal Congress

    The Second Continental Congress was called into session on May 10, 1775 with representatives from every colony with exception of Georgia.The purpose of this congress was originally to come up with an action to present a list of grievances to Britain. The Second Continental Congress stayed in session until March 2, 1789.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    British General Howe seized Charleston and Cambridge at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Though the Americans held their ground at the base of the peninsula, it resulted in a victory for the struggling British Army.
  • George Washington becomes Commander of Contiental Army

    George Washington becomes Commander of Contiental Army
    At the Second Contienteal Congress, George Washington was named Commander-In-Cheif, he acceptied this position and became the Commander of the Contiental Army on July 3, 1775.
  • The Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition
    The Petition was a proposal from the Second Continental Congress asking Britain for recognition of American rights, to end the Intolerable Acts in exchange for a cease fire. This petition was rejected by the King of Britain.
  • Occupation of Montreal

    Occupation of Montreal
    This was a military campaign was put into place by General Montgomery in order for the Patriots to gain control of the British Province Quebec and to convince the French Canadiens to align themselves with the side of the colonies. It resulted in the Battle of Quebec, which was a loss for the Partiots. This occupation set the stage for Burgoyne's campaign of 1777 to gain control of the Hudson River valley.
  • Failed attack on Quebec

    Failed attack on Quebec
    Benedict Arnold's failed attack on Quebec was the first major defeat for the Americans in the war. The Patriots' side suffered major losses including the death of General Moutgumery and injurgy of General Arnold. After the retreat of the Americans, the British reestablished control over the provience after the occupation of Montreal.
  • Tomas Paine's "Common Sence" Published

    Tomas Paine's "Common Sence" Published
    In early 1776, Tomas Paine publish the pamphlet “Common Sense”. This writing used plain language to speak to the American people and to challenge the authority of the royal monarch. Paine’s work was the first written work openly asking independence from Britain.
  • Battle of Moore's Creek

    Battle of Moore's Creek
    This battle was a victory for the North Carolina Revolutionary forces against the local Loyalists, and helped Patriots gain political favor during the war. The fighting broke out when Continental units blocked the Loyalists along trading routes who were trying to stifle the anticipation of a British expedition. This battle was cause for Cornwallis to recruit Loyalist followings in the south.
  • "Thoughts on Government" Published

    "Thoughts on Government" Published
    "Thoughts on Governemnt" was a phamplet written by John Adams in response to North Carolina's congress requesting Adams' reccomendations on forming a state consitution in which Adams states "Politics is the science of human happiness". THe ideas from the eassays were adopted in the North Carolina Constituion later in that year.
  • The Decleration of Indepednance is Adopted

    The Decleration of Indepednance is Adopted
    At the Second Conteitnal Congress in the summer of 1776, members of the Congress signed a document, written principally by Tomas Jefferson, declaring the independace of America from Britian. The paper included a list of grievances agienst the King, and justification for the revolution. It is sturctured with an introduction, a preamble, a body and a conclusion.
  • Drafting of Articals of Confederation Begins

    Drafting of Articals of Confederation Begins
    The Articals of Confederation served as the first consitution of the United States of America. It was signed amoung all 13 orginal states and its retificaiton was complete by late 1777. This document allowed for the Contiental Congress to direct the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    First major battle to take place after the signing of the Decleration of Indepednace. Resulted in a major defeat of the Conteintal Army and a strategic victory for Britan, who took control of the city of New York. Washtington's army retreated and escaped the British forces. This battle proved the war would be long and bloody, with no easy victory.
  • Pennsylvania Approves a Democratic Constitution

    Pennsylvania Approves a Democratic Constitution
    This was the first state consitution after the Decleration of Indpendance, and is known to be the most democratic out of all of the states. The document outlines an unicameral legislature and collective executive system. It's significane is shown by it's influence in other state sonsitutions and the French Consitiution of 1793.
  • Battle of Trenton, New Jersey

    Battle of Trenton, New Jersey
    General George Washington sails across the Deleware River on Christmas night to surpirse attack the British. At this point in history, the British still followed outdated rules of war, such as ceasing to fight during the coldest months of the year. This battle proved to be a huge boost in morale for the Contientals.
  • Battle of Princetown, New Jersey

    Battle of Princetown, New Jersey
    General Washington left the camp Trenton to avoid the advance of the British. He then attacked the British near Princeton and then withdrew to Morristown.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was a Conteintal victory and turning point in the War for Independance. British General Burgoyne was trapped by American forces and surrendered his entire army. This helped to end Burgoyne's attempt to spereate the New England area from the Southern Colonies.
  • British Occuption of Philadelphia

    British Occuption of Philadelphia
    Under the command of General Howe, the British occupoed Philadelphia. Washington tried to attack the troops but eventually retreated into Valley Forge. During the occupation Howe resgined and his position was taken over by Sir Henery Clinton.
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    The WInter at Valley Forge

    The Winter at Valley Forge was a trying time for Washington and his army. Due to starvation, and desertation for various reasons, Washingtons army shruck in size. However, Prussian Baron Von Stuben was brought in to train the army, and the army emerged from Valley Forge in June as a more professional unit.
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    Servere Inflation of Continental Currency

    Congress began printing bills of credit in 1775 to collect the bills in payment of taxes. States eventually began to print money of their own, and eventually this paper money depreciated to extremely low values. Money was at one point 12 bills were worth one dollar of currency. Along with this, the newly formed country had to pay off wartime debts and loans from the Revolutionary War.
  • France Allies with the American Colonies

    France Allies with the American Colonies
    On February 6, 1778, Benjamin Franklin was in France signing a treaty with France that recognized the U.S. as an independent nation and promoted trade between France and America, along with allieing France with the colonies against Great Britain in the Revolutionary War.
  • Howe is Replaced by Clinton

    Howe is Replaced by Clinton
    General Clintion replaced General Howe as British Commander-in-Chief in North America. In addition to his military service, he was a Member of British Parliament.
  • Britian Adopts the Southern Strategy

    Britian Adopts the Southern Strategy
    The Southern Stategy included: promising slaves protection if they were to flee and become loyalists (Philipsburg Proclimation), launching seaborne attacks on critical southern ports, and dividing the New Englanish colonies from those in the South. The British sucsessfully follwed this stratagy for a period of time, but it failed once Layfette's French American-Allied forces landed in Newport, Rhode Island.
  • British Capture of Savannah, Georgia

    British Capture of Savannah, Georgia
    On December 29, 1778 British Lieutenant Colonel Campbell and his force, which was comprised of Loyalists, and Hessian mercenaries, launch a seaborne surprise attack on American forces defending Savannah, Georgia. They occupied Savannah until July of the next year. This was in effort of the British Southern Strategy for the Revolutionary War.
  • Spain Declares War on Great Britian

    Spain Declares War on Great Britian
    The Spanish joined America and France agienst Britian to make this war a world war. Motives for the Spanish included the want to recover Florida from the British and to take the Fortress of Girbralter. This further intimidated the British although the only involvement the Spanish really had was directing their navy along the Eastern Coast.
  • The British Capture Charlestown South Carolina

    The British Capture Charlestown South Carolina
    This was by far the worst defeat for the Americans during the revolution. The British capture the city port and weapons along with killing and wounding near 250 Parriots. This was a huge emotional loss for the rebels because Carlestown was supposed to be a safe place in the South.
  • French Land in Newport RI

    French Land in Newport RI
    The French, due to encouragements to the crown by Lafayette, land troops on the ground in Newport Rhode Island. This helped aid the Americans to win the war.
  • Nathanael Greene Becomes Commander of Southern Army

    Nathanael Greene Becomes Commander of Southern Army
    General Washington named Nathanael Greene commander of the Southern Army. He opposed Cornwallis and performed greatly for the duration of the war. Greene led American forces to the ultimate British defeat at Yorktown.
  • Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina

    Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina
    Patriot Morgan overwhelmingly defeats British Colernel Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens. This battle is significant in taking back South Carolina from Britian for the American Patriots. Morgan's army took over 700 prisoners of war during this battle.
  • French Naval Forces Threaten British

    French Naval Forces Threaten British
    A French fleet drove British naval forces from Chesapeake Bay up the coast. This again inteimidated the British, and was key in driving the British towards the middle of the country in order to trap and defeat them.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    Americans seize the unsuspecting British at Yorktown as the last major battle of the Revoltuionary War. Washington pretended to prepare an attack on New York, and the British prepared for what they assumed would be a siege on New York City. However, instead the Contiental Army and French Army attacked the British and defated them at Yorktown. General Washington and the French forces captured Cornwallis and his army, prompting the British to negotiate an end to the conflict.
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    British Surrender at Yorktown
    Cornwallis was trapped and surrounded on land and sea by American and French forces. He surrenders at Yorktown and this battle marks the end of the Revolutionary War. General Washington denied the British their request of the traditional Honors of War due to British treatment of American forces during the war.
  • Lord North Resgins

    Lord North Resgins
    British Prime Minister Lord North resigns. King George III refused to accept the end of the American Revolutionary War for Independance or the resignition of Lord North.
  • Sir Guy Carleton Becomes Commander of British Foreces

    Sir Guy Carleton Becomes Commander of British Foreces
    Sir Guy Carleton replaces General Clinton as head of British forces in America. Carleton wanted to implement a new British policy of ending hostilities and war with America and withdrawing British troops from America.
  • Articles of Peace Signed

    Articles of Peace Signed
    British and Americans signed preliminary Articles of Peace while negoations for a peace treaty were taking place.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783 Signed

    Treaty of Paris of 1783 Signed
    The United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris in the offical end and peace treaty of the American Revolutionary War for Indpendance. This agreement had the British: acknowlege the exisitance of the United States as a country and her boundries, prisioners of war on both sides were to be relased, Loyalists in America could not start and uprising, the US and Britian had perpetual access to the Mississippi River, along with some economic rights.
  • Washington Resgins

    Washington Resgins
    General George Washington resgins as commander of the Contiental Army to retire to his home, Mount Vernon, Virgina. Claimed he had "finish what had ben assigned to him"
  • Treaty of Versallies of 1784

    Treaty of Versallies of 1784
    This was a peace treaty for the European powers involved in the American Revolutionary War. Spain was given Florida, the French now laid claim to sugar islands, and general peace was granted.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Massachusetts from 1786 and 1787. It was fueled by perceived economic terrorism and growing dissatisfaction with the new federal government. This rebellion showed the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and the need for revision.
  • Period: to

    The Federalist Papers are Published

    This was a series of eighty five letters written to newspapers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, urging a support of the highly unpopular and controversial Constitution. Nine of the 13 states needed to approve the Constitution for it to go into effect. This pamphlet is known to be the truest treaties to Republican government ever written and are still highly referenced today.
  • The Virgina Plan is Persented

    The Virgina Plan is Persented
    Virginia governor Edmund Randolph presented the Virginia Plan, which proposed a very powerful bicameral legislature. This plan rejected state soverngity, called for a sovergn national governement, and preposed a three tier election system. Most citizents opposed it's policity of the national governement being able to veto the state governement. Also, voting per state was dertermined by population, which was disliked by the smaller states.
  • The New Jersey Plan is Preposed

    The New Jersey Plan is Preposed
    As a rebuttal to the Virginia Plan, which favored large states, New Jersey delegate William Paterson preposed a plan where each state had equal representation in congress. This equalized large state and small state power. This plan is also known as the small state plan. The issues with this plan were that larger populations had less of a say than smaller ones.
  • The Great Compromise Preposed

    The Great Compromise Preposed
    This was a plan that combined the new Jersey Plan and the Virgina Plan in effort to please both large and small states. It created a two hose congress and an executive branch. One house was nominated by state population (the House of Representative), the other had an equal amount of representatives from each state. (the Senate). This compromise was passed for the creation of the U.S. government.
  • The US Constituion Signed

    The US Constituion Signed
    The Consitutional Convention was meant only to revise the Articels of Confederation, however the delegates agreed on drafting a new Consitiution. This consitution established national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. It was signed on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, at the Convention that was persided over by George Washington.
  • U.S. Constitution is offically adopted

    U.S. Constitution is offically adopted
    New Hampshire was the ninth state to ratifiy the new Constituion, and therefore, it was offically adopted by the United States.
  • Transfer of Power to New Constitution

    Transfer of Power to New Constitution
    A committe in the Congress still under the authority of the Aricles of Confederation is prepared to transfer power to the new Congress of the Constitution. Power is transfered to the new elected and their offices. Also, the procedure for the choosing of the electors for the office of President of the United States.
  • Washinton and Adams Take New Offices

    Washinton and Adams Take New Offices
    A secreatary of Congress arrived at Mount Vernon and informs George Washington of his election as President. Washington leaves for the capital at the time, New York City. Upon being called to the appointment of Vice-President, John Adams does the same. A week later, both men are sworn into office and the first inaugural ball occurs.
  • Rhode Island Ratifies the Consitution

    Rhode Island Ratifies the Consitution
    Rhode Island was the last of the original 13 states to ratify the Consitution. Though only nine of the 13 states needed to ratify the document in order for it to pass, the symbol of Rhode Island's ratification is strong. All of the orginal 13 colonies were now joined together as one country under a single federal government.