Surrender of lord cornwallis canvas john laurens 1820

American Revolutionary War

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    On March 22, 1765, The Stamp Act was when an act of the Parliament of Great Britain which forced colonies in America to put a stamp tax.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    On June 29, 1767, the Townshend Act was implemented on the American colonists which put taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea. The American colonists were angry about the injustice of taxation without representation.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On March 5, 1770, the Boston Massacre was when the British loyalists shot and killed several people which sparked the fight for American independence.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party was a protest against the British. The plan for the Americans was to throw away 340 plus boxes into the ocean to lower the taxes from the British.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    On June 6, 1774, the Intolerable Acts were laws that were passed by the British Parliament to punish the American colonies for the event which is now called the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    On September 5, 1774, The First Continental Congress took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and took about 1 month to complete.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    On April 19, 1775, The Battle of Lexington and Concord involved hundreds of British army men marched from Boston to a place near Concord. The British went to go to confront the town of Lexington in which the American militia was heavily armed. The British eventually won the Battle of Lexington and Concord.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    On June 17, 1775, the Battle of Bunker Hill was fought in Massachusetts between the British and the Americans. During the Battle of Bunker Hill, more than 200 people died as the British eventually won the battle.
  • DeWint House

    DeWint House
    During The American Revolutionary War, George Washington would stay and do official work at the DeWint House located in Tappan, New York.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was the document of the United States that separated the Americans from Great Britain.
  • Nathan Hale's Execution

    Nathan Hale's Execution
    On September 22, 1776, Nathan Hale, the captain in the Continental Army, was executed by the British for spying. This stirred up the Americans colonies to start a war against the British.
  • Saratoga

    On Sep 19, 1777 – Oct 17, 1777, The Battle of Saratoga was a huge win for the Continental army during the Revolutionary War. The United States had beat Great Britain, with George Washington's leadership, and were on a clear path to Independence from the British.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    On November 15, 1777, the Articles of Confederation was basically the first constitution of the original 13 states of the United States. The constitution stated how the government should be run for the 13 states.
  • The France and United States Alliance

    The France and United States Alliance
    On February 6, 1778, France and the United States of America signed an alliance to combine their militaries to defeat Great Britain. This was a very big moment for the United States as they eventually separate from Britain.
  • Monmouth

    On June 28, 1778, The Battle of Monmouth was a turning point because the battle was almost lost but luckily George Washington was able to even the odds. The battle was a draw between the United States and Great Britain, but even though it was a draw it gave the Americans hope to fight another day.
  • Baylor’s Massacre

    Baylor’s Massacre
    September 27, 1778, the Baylor’s Massacre was the surprise attack by the British on 120 American soldiers. About 50 were killed and about 50 were captured by the British. The British won the battle.
  • Execution of Major John Andre

    Execution of Major John Andre
    On October 2, 1780, Major John Andre for the British army was found guilty of being a spy by George Washington and was executed by being hung because of his crime.
  • Yorktown

    On September 28, 1781 - October 19, 1781, The Battle of Yorktown was a successful battle lead by George Washington between the American Colonists and Great Britain. It was the last American Revolution battle that ended with the Independence from the British.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed to end the American Revolution War between United States and Great Britain. The United States became officially independent of Great Britain.