American Revolutionary Timeline

  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Colonies were getting frustrated with all the taxes and the British harassment on their ships. There were more taxes placed on tea and sugar. One day the colonists decided to take rage on the British's taxes so they dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston harbor.
  • Crossing the Deleware

    Crossing the Deleware
    This occurred on Christmas night! George Washington planned a surprise attack on the Hessians in Trenton, New Jersey. George planned this attack in knowledge that they would probably be celebrating that night and would be tired not expect the attack the next morning.
  • Marquis has arrived!

    Marquis has arrived!
    Marquis landed in Charleston, South Carolina. Marquis developed a good impression on the congress with his French loyalty. He also developed a strong son like bond with Washington and served a good part in the Battle of Brandywine.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Philadelphia was a hard place for British to successfully defend their troops so they decided to move their troops to New York. On June 18 Washington followed the red coats to New Jersey and the Continental army was ready to fight! whoever survived the battle at valley forge was lucky.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The American and French troop came in on Yorktown, which turned into connons firing, and making buildings come crashing down. The British was trapped and had to surrender his 8,000 men. Yorktown was the last big battle in the Revelutioanry war. PIC:
  • Charleston Has Been Captured!

    Charleston Has Been Captured!
    The British believed that there were more conveniences for them in South Carolina, for them to win. After the battle at Savanna, the British landed in Charles town and fought against the Americans. The Americans lost almost their whole army.