The Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre, was called the Boston Riot by the British. The Boston massacre was an event that killed 5 colonists. British troops had been stationed in Boston since 1768. People were yelling out stuff and the soldiers fired into the crowd of people. 3 died instantly and 2 died later on. The Sons of Liberty called this event the Boston Massacre to make it sound worse than it actualy was. -
The Boston Tea Party
Some officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain. So a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The colonists were dressed as Indians to hide their identities. -
Creation of the Continental Congress
The colonies were going through hard times because of unfair taxation. The colonies were mad because they did have representation and they had restriceted freedom. Even with all of theese problems less than 1/3 of the colonists wanted independance. The colonists created the continental congress. They warned people to be prepared to fight if their freedoms were not restored. -
"Open Rebellion"
Massachusetts wasdeclared an open "Open rebellion." The governor was secretly told by the British to enforce the Coercive Acts. The British also demanded that John Hancock and Samuel Adams be arrested for treason. Soldiers were ordered to to seize all American weapons and gunpower. -
The Outbreak
Two lanterns were placed on the steeple of the Boston Church. The lights signal the troops were coming to search for weapons. one lantern by land, two by sea. The "redcoats" thought they were secretly coming and they had the element of surprise. The colonists were looking our for them and hung the lanterns as soon as they were spotted. Paul Revere went off on his horse to warn everybody in town. -
Several armed citizens confronted the British. Nobody knows who fired the first shot. When the entire thing was over 8 colonists were dead and many left wounded. -
The second Continental Congress
A few weeks after the outbreak of the war the second Continental Congress was formed. The Continental Congress served as like an emergency government during the war. John Hancock severed as a leader or president, but about 5 days later the congress unanimously voted for George Washington. -
Declaration of Independence
On July 2nd congress voted for Independence from the British. So Thomas Jefferson with the help of others wrote the Decleration of Independence. It was presented to the Continental Congress and approved. John Hancock's signture was the biggest on the Declaration so The King didn't need to wear spectacles to read it. -
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Valley Forge
Valley Forge, Pennslyvania soon became the 2nd most populated city in the United States. The cabins were crowded inside but it still didn't provide adequate food, shoes, and clothing. By spring two thousand soldiers died. A german officer trained the American troops in Valley Forge. -
The British Surrender
The Americans and French joined together and attacked the British. When Washington reached Yorktown, the British were trapped and outnumbered. This was a hopeless situation for the British so they surrendered.