American Independence day
We know this day as 4th of July , It is a day that represnts the Decloration of Independence and the birth of the United states of America as an independent nation . -
Battle of Trenton
This battle was a small but puvitoal battle durring The American Revolutonairy war Which took place on Tthe Morning of December 26,1776 in Trenton, New Jersey -
Valley Forge
It was a millitary camp in Southern Pennsyvania , where the American Contenital Army spent in the winter of 1777-1778 during the American . The cause of death was the diease starvation,mainutrion, and the exposure killed over 2,500 American soilders by the end of Feburary -
Treaty of Aliance
The treaty of Aliance was a defensive alliance between France and the United States of America, formed in the midst of the American Revolutionary war, which promised America of French millitary support in case of attasck by British forces indefently into the Future. -
The Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation were signed. Also ,each state only got one vote, so most of the citizens didn't get a say in any political matters.