American Revolution Timeline Project

  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    The battle of bunker hill occurred on June 17,1775 in Massachusetts, British troops crossed the Boston harbor into lower Charleston.
    General William Howe led King George's army up Breed's hill, the Patriots were ordered to "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes", they killed a bunch of british troops, but ran out of powder and were defeated
  • Period: to

    The winter at valley forge

    Valley forge was the location of a camp set by George Washington during the revolutionary war, they were there because it was a day's march away from the capital of Philadelphia (currently British occupied)
    People set up what was, at the time the 4th biggest city in the colonies.
    Nearly 2000 men died of different diseases, such as the flu, typhus, typhoid, and dysentery.