American revolution

American Revolution timeline

By BigD12
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Britain sets a tax that requires a stamp on all public documents like newspapers or legal documents.
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre
    5 Boston colonists are shot by British troops.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Angry with a new tax on tea, some Boston colonists calling themselves the Sons of Liberty board British ships and dump crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • First continental congress meets

    First continental congress meets
    Representatives from the colonies get together to unite and oppose British taxes.
  • Period: to

    Timeline of American Revolution

    A time when British colonist rebelled against the rule of Great Britain
  • Paul Revere's ride

    Paul Revere's ride
    The Revolutionary War starts and Paul Revere makes his famous ride to warn the colonists that the "British are coming".
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The actual fighting starts with the first "shot heard around the world".
  • Capture of fort ticonderoga

    Capture of fort ticonderoga
    The Green Mountain Boys led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British.
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    Major battle where William Prescott told the American troops "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes".
  • Declaration of independence is adopted

    Declaration of independence is adopted
    The Continental Congress agrees to Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.
  • George Washington crosses the Delaware

    George Washington crosses the Delaware
    George Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River on Christmas night and surprise the enemy.
  • America chooses a flag

    America chooses a flag
    The Continental Congress adopts the "Stars and Stripes" Flag sewn by Betsy Ross.
  • Valley forge

    Valley forge
    The Continental army under George Washington spends the winter training at Valley Forge.
  • Battle of York town

    Battle of York town
    The last major battle of the American Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty that officially ended the war.