american revolution timeline

By josh2
  • sevens year war begins

    war between British and french
  • seven years war end

    end of battle between British and french
  • proclamation

    forbid all settlement past Appalachian mountains after seven years war
  • Boston massacre

    5 people were by British soldiers
  • Boston tea party

    colonist boycotted tea
  • intolerable acts

    series of punitive laws passed by British parliament
  • 1st continental congress

    meeting of delegates of 12 of the 13 colonies
  • 2nd continental congress

    managed the colonial war
  • Lexington and concord

    first engagement of revolutionary war
  • fort ticonderoga

    built by french in north New York
  • battle of bunker hill

    British defeated american militia
  • common sense published

    pamphlet written by Thomas paine
  • decoration of indepenence

    statement adopted by second continental congress
  • battle of trenton

    led by general George Washington won
  • battle of saratoga

    marked turning point of american revolution
  • kings mountain

    battle in which patriot militia beat loyalist victory
  • Battle of Guildford courthouse

    was fought in Greensboro, nc
  • British surrender at yorktown

    Cornwallis and men surrendered
  • treaty of Paris signed

    negotiated between america and Britain