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American Revolution Timeline

  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    it was a war that was a theater of the seven years' war that pitted the north American colonies of the British empire against the French with both sides having the support of different native colony's
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    the stamp act was established to make the colonies help pay for the British troops that were stationed there to help in the seven year's war.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British solders grading the Boston customs house shot into a crowd and killed 3 civilians an injuring 8 an 2 mortally wounded
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    the sons of liberty organized a protest to though crates of tea of the bouts and into the water they did this because of the tax was so high on tea
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    twelve British colony representatives from the 13 colonies met to discuss the future of America
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets
    they made George Washington commander in chief of the army.
  • the battle of Lexington and concord

    the battle of Lexington and concord
    the battles of Lexington an concord was about the brits taking away arms so that the could prevent rebellion an further suppress the colonist but a lot of colonist did not take kindly to that an so they started to fight back
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    although battle of bunker hill was lost by the patriot's but is showed that they could hold there own against the British.
  • Declaration of Independence adopted

    Declaration of Independence adopted
    the declaration of independence is a document that was declaring the USA was independent from Britain.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    after George Washington an his army crossed the Delaware they defeated a garrison of Hessian mercenaries at Trenton
  • Articles of Confederation created

    Articles of Confederation created
    the Articles of Confederation was the united states first constitution but was not completely ratified by all colonies at the time
  • Constitution is ratified

    Constitution is ratified
    all colonies agreed with the constitution an so it was officially put into place
  • Battle of Camden

    Battle of Camden
    this battle was a diversion so that the British could strengthen there hold on the Carolinas.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    the battle of Yorktown was a deciding war that end with the British surrendering an was a battle that solidified the USA wining the revolutionary war
  • Bill of Rights adopted

    Bill of Rights adopted
    the bill of rights protects the indispensable rights and liberty's that defend the citizens of America.