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American revolution timeline

  • French Indian war

    French Indian war
    France and Great Britain were fighting in North America for control of the Ohio River Valley. The war lasted 9 years and was incredibly expensive. Great Britain started to tax the colonist heavily to pay off the debt. This led to the first major disagreement between the colonist and the crown.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    The British taxed the colonist when buying newspaper. The colonist got mad at the British and they began a petition that led to refusal to pay the tax. Then the British got mad when the colonist didn't pay the tax.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The tension in Boston was high in early 1770. 2,000 British soldiers occupied the city that had 16,000 colonists and they tried to enforce Britain's tax laws. Americans rebelled against the taxes they found repressive and they were rallying around the cry "no taxation without representation.
  • Boston tea party and intolerable acts

    Boston tea party and intolerable acts
    The Boston tea party was a protest about the tax on the tea. When the British shipped there tea to Boston many of the people wanted the tea sent back to England so they don't have to pay the tax. There was a bunch of tea poured out into the Boston harbor and it was roughly worth about $1.7 million. Intolerable acts were a series of 4 laws passed by British Parliament to punish the colony of massachusetts and the bay for the Boston tea party.
  • The declaration of independence

    The declaration of independence
    America wanted peace and independence from Britain. America wanted to be its own country and didn't want to be owned by Britain anymore. For this to work American colonist were able to confirm an official alliance with the Government of France for the war against Great Britain.
  • Valley forge

    Valley forge
    It was the first winter encampment and it was where many thousands of men built there own huts. It was built to counter the British attacks and it was a little bit successful. The downsides of the Valley forge is that it was very cold and there was lack of resources, food, clothing, and medicine.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This was the ending of the American Revolution and this granted the U.S the western territory. This was signed by the U.S and British representative causing the war to finally end.