Marquis de Lafayette
Was a French aristocrat. A military officer who fought for the United States in the American Revolutionary War -
Battle Lexington and Concord
British soldiers were in Boston.Their destinations were LEXINGTON, where they would capture Colonial leaders Sam Adams and John Hancock, then CONCORD, where they would seize gunpowder. -
Bunker Hill
Took place early in the Revolutinary War. Commander and cheif of the British was Commander William Howe. -
New York:Batte of Long Island
Also known as the battle of Brooklyn. A defeat for the Continential army lead by Georrge Washignton. -
American Revolution War. American against britih and Hessians. Lead by general George Washington. -
British General William Howe set of for the capture of Philadlphia. Reason largest City, were congress was, many loyalists, fertie region and Delawarre River used for trade. -
The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of The Revolutionary War. -
Valley Forge
The turning point of The revolutionary War. Continential Army settled here, the army was in great danger. General George Washington.