American Revolution Timeline Activity

By Yari_x3
  • Lexington

    The redcoats made their way to Lexington, Massacusettes and they came across 70 minutemen lined up. The commander ordered for them to put their weapons down and leave . They obeyed and everything was going fine until someone fired a shot and all hell broke loose. This created the battle.
  • Concord

    After the battle, the British continued on to Concord. They did not have anyone waiting for them . Once they began getting ready to head back to Boston, it all went downhill. It all suddenly turned into a slaughter where thousands and thousands of people died. This caused for another battle
  • Philadelphia

    The second debate about what should be done was planned and it happened. Within the debate , it became very chaotic. In the end, congress came around to the idea of a continental army and even appointed Washington as the commander of it.
  • Bunker Hill

    Thomas Gage ordered a strike at militiamen on Breed's hill. 2400 hundred soldiers were involved. Arms were held until the redcoats began approaching and shots began getting fired.
  • New York

    The British wanted to stop the rebellion and they believed that they could use New York to their advantage. They traveled there with about 32,000 soldiers along with a lot of other advantages.
  • Saratoga

    General John Burgoyne got ahead of himself in thinking that he could continue on doing more things and forgot that his fellow British officers were busy keeping the capital of Philadelphia. This did not work out in his favor because he began getting attacked and realized he had no hope and so he surrendered.
  • Trenton

    Washington guided groups of men across the Delaware River to unexpectedly defeat a garrison of Hessians. In the end, the British united and captured the American capital of Philadelphia.
  • Valley Forge

    American troops began getting better as they were trained specifically by Friedrich von Steuben.
  • Marquis De Lafayette

    First Lafayette arrived to help train the American troops then became a source for french reinforcements. He later directed a command within the last years of the wars.
  • YorkTown

    Armies of Lafayette + Washington both went to Yorktown. Moving forward French and American troops surrounded the British and began bombarding. A month later, Cornwallis surrendered.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The delegates signed the Treaty of Paris. This confirmed the independence of the US and set boundaries for the new nation.