American revolution timeline

  • Dec 26, 1176

    Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    The first win the colonials had in a long time, it convinced the Washington soldiers to fight when they were ready to go home. This victory led to another one victory at Princeton a week later.
  • Enlightenment

    Enlightenment was period when reason and logic were emphasized. It came with advancements into science, philosophy.
  • French & indian war

    French & indian war
    it was a war that lasted 7 years, both sides had native Americans on each side. they had a war for their land, the ohio river valley but so did the British.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The son of liberty was to protest against the British taxation. They fought for independence and did a good job to shape the future
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It all started because American colonists were having a protest but it resulted as riot. The British soldier guarding the custom house shot at a crowd of civilians.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Americans protested because they were frustrated at the British for taxation without representation . The protest was them throwing 342 chest full of tea into the ocean.
  • Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)

    Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
    They are a series of laws pass by Engalnd. they were to punish the colonists.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    It was against the unfairness British rule and the rights of colonists. It was a significant event in America
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battles of Lexington & Concord
    The patriot colonists wanted to protect the store and be ready for an encounter with the British. they fought in Massachusetts Bay, Lexington, etc
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    The actual fight didnt happen in a bunker. The british won the battle
  • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense publisheD

    Thomas Paine’s Common Sense publisheD
    It was a pamplet made in the 1776. It stood up for American independence .
  • Battle of Camden

    Battle of Camden
    In this battle the Americans lost it so that meant that the British had temporary control of the southern colonies. The 2000 British beat 4000 Americans troops what a lopsided battle.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    the had lasted up to 6 years. The British surrendered to the french and at the end they negotiated peace between the two.
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    I t was signed in Paris. It ended the revolutionary war
  • 3/5th compromise

    3/5th compromise
    3 out of 5 slaves would be counted for population. This agreement was to get constitutuion